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PizzaGate / Pedogate - The First Global Crowd-sourced Citizen Investigation

Part One - How It Happened

(Note: This is only an introductory article for newcomers to the story and is intended to provide a

framework for all the citizen-newscasters who are the ones actually presenting the case, the research, the commentary through video-casting. Eventually this site will provide contact information for as many citizen-newscasters who are making the case, with links to the videos having the most impact and that show the research that we hope will result in proper law enforcement and admission of criminal activity. This is for the children.)

2016 - This was the year tens of millions of Americans turned off their cable boxes that had pumped waves of television brainwashing into their homes for decades, beginning with Howdy Doody!, as the baby-boomers boomed out of the womb and coursed through the years of Cronkite and Rather, Brokaw and Jennings, Huntley and Brinkley. Instead, the most important development in the dissemination of information, of culture itself in 2016 was the rise of “citizen news” and citizen-newscasters. This story includes the many citizens who crowd-sourced the rise of these new media types with their dollars and research.

These are the small-scale and entrepreneurial truth-seekers, most with over-lapping followers whose hunger for real news is insatiable - as opposed to the 'fake news' previously known as propaganda put out by large corporations whose purpose is to bamboozle, to mold, shape and cultivate opinions...for those who have a hard time forming their own.

The catalyst for this still-developing phenomenon was the US presidential election. In many cases, and speaking from personal experience, the very sound of the Establishment candidate's voice was enough to make one turn the channel or turn off what's now often called corporate or 'legacy' media. To fill the void many turned to the internet and YouTube and were pleasantly surprised to find thousands of average people, like themselves, with something to say about almost everything, but particularly about the political campaign. Instead of CNN, Fox, NBC, etc, the real action was on InfoWars and newer ventures such as Gary Franchi & The Next News Network, the Anonymous group, Mark Dice, Stefan Molyneux, The Sane Progressive, H.A. Goodman, MLordandGod, AbelDanger (and many MANY more who will be featured in continuous updates) all with something interesting and newsworthy to offer. Not only were they offering their own voices, the video platform of YouTube allows and encourages viewers to comment on those presentations, a feature that has led to vigorous debate and civic involvement with this new form of media. Put simply, a renaissance of thoughts and expression is taking place in cyber-space.

As the technology began to allow for it, manufacturers built TV sets with internet connectivity, offering a large selection of web channels from which to choose. High cable bills made it easy to “cut the cord”. Some commentators bandied about statistics of an 80%+ drop in viewership of the mainstream media, just in the course of the previous year, but no matter how the statistics are sliced and diced, the stark fact is that the majority of the public now gets its news from non-broadcast network media.

Not only was this occurring in broadcast media but print media as well. Jeff Bezos of Amazon bought the Washington Post for a quarter-billion dollars and was then rewarded with a $600 million contract from the CIA, and Carlos Slim, the Mexican cell-phone billionaire, plumped $101 million into the New York Times. Both these media outlets are needed by the elites not so much for their profitability or even their newsworthiness, but their legacy of credibility (now a farce to many, sadly).

If nothing else, that should tell most people with at least a modicum of intelligence that the CIA is deeply invested in the mission of molding the opinions of Americans, as it's been since the early days of Operation Mockingbird. (Unfamiliar? Google it and prepare to be shocked.)

Trying as they could to hold on to their viewership, the mainstream media barons were being exposed and held up to ridicule as WikiLeaks' genuine email leaks of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign officials showed that the corporate media had become mere PR firms for candidate Hillary. Even many rank-and-file Democrats were disgusted. Wikileaks became one of the very few sources of trustworthy information and its leader Julian Assange became a hero to millions of people. The Clinton campaign and the Obama administration plotted his silencing, while behind the scenes battles between factions of insiders raged. Even at the time of this writing, it's unclear whether Assange is being held by friendly intelligence operatives, unfriendlies, or merely confined to his room at the Ecuadoran embassy in London.

The minions of the CFR – Council of Foreign Relations and the various organs of global control began a serious implementation of the terms “alt right”, “alt media”, and – following their stunning defeat – “fake news”. While the term “alt right” had been coined in 2010 to differentiate the new nationalism from neo-Nazi and white supremacist hate groups, in 2016 it was used to besmirch the growing populism with the tarring brush of racism. This was more a sign of MSM - mainstream media desperation than anything else as most of the new coaltion of disaffected progressives, fed-up blue collar workers whose jobs were outsourced, mainstream Republicans and libertarians included many minorities weary of “identity politics”. The “alt media” label was diminished when the strategy became one of isolating all citizen content as belonging to the “alt right”, despite the fact many citizens consider themselves beyond the left/right paradigm the Establishment insists on using.

What prompted this flurry of attention to language and stirrings of censorship? Most significantly the loss of the election by Hillary Clinton, whose campaign had held such sway over the Established press (i.e. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Politico, and a host of lessers such as The Atlantic monthly and even the BBC World Service, collectively known as TPTB – The Powers That Be) that her defeat was all the more stunning. Power is now deflating from the former supporters of the losing candidate, mostly the forces of globalism and – as we intend to demonstrate – satanism, and the new crowd that's expected to wield power is comprised of American nationalists who are avowedly anti-globalist, anti-jihadist, socially liberal yet united in their determination to 'drain the swamp' of corruption and – we hope – widespread pedophilia, satanic ritual abuse and child-trafficking.

Many Americans voted for Trump in such droves that it likely overcame the careful algorithms of the official “gatekeepers” (i.e. the Big Six media companies, plus the NEP – National Election Pool, the two main parties – Tweedledee Dems and Tweedledum GOP, the Associated Press, Hart InterCivic, Dominion Voting, and ES&S – Election Systems & Software).

[For a detailed understanding of these, please visit ].

Small groups of 'good guy' humans that were well-placed within the infrastructure were able to reprogram voting machines that had been programmed to flip votes for Hillary in battleground states, thus ensuring that the true will of the People would be observed and Hillary's minions would not be able to thwart it. This was how a small, determined group of patriots were able to effect a counter-coup against the globalist forces that thought they had sufficiently stacked the deck to ensure the victory of their prime puppet.

Punch One: Coup & Counter-coup

This brings us to the first of the citizen-journalists to be noted in this particular story, though many more played larger roles earlier on. Steve Pieczenik, one of the more seasoned and connected “old-timers” within the intelligence community, used YouTube to let the public know that there was a fierce counter-coup against the Clinton coup in place, and even now – mid-January – is fighting to prevent the minions of Hillary and her main globalist funder George Soros from keeping Trump out of the Offal Office.

Punch Two: It's All About The Children

Then, he went one step further; he explained that the singular issue uniting the counter-coup was the horrid secret shared by the many in the power-elite. It wasn't so much the loss of the election, but as Steve notes in the second video, the ballooning consciousness about the widespread pedophilia and related SRA - satanic ritual abuse. This has started to creep across the social landscape in the

wake of the Podesta emails leaked by Wikileaks, who Pieczenik alleges received them from his group.. THIS, many hypothesize, is the major reason for the concerted effort across all corporate media platforms to squash any discussion of so-called #PizzaGate, because of the danger it presents to their control over our consciousness. People are “waking up”, a phrase that's gained traction to explain how it is that the global power-elite IS interconnected, DOES have an agenda that doesn't have the interests of the common man at heart, and has been bamboozling the world with a false right-left paradigm and other fake narratives ever since the robber barons of the late 19th century banded together to control the burgeoning mass media.

WikiLeaks Publishes

By now, most readers who've gotten this far are fully aware of how the story of so-called #PizzaGate began not just with the release of the Podesta

emails by Wikileaks but also their concurrent release of a declassified FBI document illustrating pedophile symbols . They've probably also read the revelations that were made on a 4Chan forum [see ] by username “FBI anon” and how those symbols are subtly placed and are used to signify pedophile-friendly businesses...

specifically businesses such as Comet Ping-Pong Pizza on Connecticut Ave NW in Wash. DC, along with another pizza shop two doors down, called Besta Pizza [which means 'beast' in Portugal, more on that later]. Comet was used as the site for many fundraisers for both Obama and Hillary Clinton, as well as a call center on at least two occasions for Pres. Obama. Financial records also show that George Soros has paid Comet Ping Pong over $11,000 on one occasion alone.

The Citizen-Newscasters

Shortly after the Podesta emails and declassified pedo symbol-chart were

published to the world online by WikiLeaks, citizen-newscaster and investigator Titus Frost (“spittin' truth and causing glitches in the Matrix”) put together first one then another detailed documentary of what's become known as #PizzaGate. Titus's channel, with this recognizable graphic has many of the more well-known videos that have opened the eyes of many in the truth-seeking community.

This is a link to his collection on YouTube:

Also among the pioneer citizen-news researchers is Tara of the YouTube channel Reality Calls, who along with Titus Frost and David Seaman (and a few others) had several of their videos taken down by YouTube in a massive purging that began around the time of the farcical shooting by actor Edgar Welch.

Currently Reality Calls is prevented from uploading any additional videos to YouTube until April 2017, but you can see some of her original videos and her newer content at her own website, where her tag-line “Let's Make Western Civilization Great Again!” ups the ante for the anti-globalist liberty and truth movement. Here she is in a video interview by Red Ice TV, She made at least one

very-well produced video, mirrored here on at least two other channels, but it's no longer available on her own YouTube channel. Since then she has produced a series of interviews as host as well as appeared as a guest on other channels, as her intellect pushes the boundaries of the paradigm and her reputation is sterling among most citizen-newscasters.

Another one of the best compilation videos of this truth-movement, “#pizzagate: A Primer”, has been made by citizen-newscaster MartyLeeds3.

This and other videos made by the aforementioned channels is mirrored by many other channels who just now discovering PizzaGate/PedoGate and recognize that content can be removed at the whim of a censor. They are doing their part in helping raise awareness.

Nicole and Brittany Pettibone, who together use the pen name of T.S. Pettibone (Twin Sisters Pettibone), are well-recognized as two of the most significant researchers of the PizzaGate scandal. While they apparently do not have their own YouTube channel, they have been guests on InfoWars and have a large following on Twitter. They have investigated the Podesta brothers extensively in connection with both #PizzaGate and the Madeleine MacCann abduction the brothers are likely connected to. Apparently they were the ones to discover the likeness between the John & Tony and the disappearance of Maddy MacCann. Their website is and here they can

be seen as guests on InfoWars. This segment, mirrored by News From The Truth, clocks in at just under 15 minutes while they are interviewed by both Margaret Hall and Owen Shroyer of InfoWars.

Like Titus Frost, A Call For An Uprising is (as many pizzagate researchers are) an avowed Christian citizen-newscaster that has been in the thick of the investigation from the beginning. He also had several of his videos removed by YouTube, particularly one that featured a look at The Little Red Fox coffee shop next to Comet Ping Pong. Here's his home page on YouTube;it’s a frame from his

unique animation that often precedes his content. It shows a series of witches, devils, pagan gods, Freemasons and Aleister Crowley hiding from a gigantic Christ figure in sandals who destroys them all with a simple stomp. High marks for creativity and passion as well as a decent curation of most of the elements. This is his home page on YouTube:

New World Agenda is the YouTube channel of Canadian Jeff C., “The Voice of Free Radio Revolution”. That's his citizen discussion page for YouTube. His home page there is below. He urges the viewer to join him "as he lifts the veil of the Corporate (and Alternative) Media to show you what is really going on..." He has over 820 videos on his channel, and he reports on such connected globalist issues as the castigation of "white men as the root of all evil".

T.U.R.N. - The Underground Resistance Network, is the home of Laurie Alexander and Robbie and others; they’ve posted at least 249 videos on their YouTube channel, interviewing other Pizzagate citizen-newscasters and researchers as well as some of their own finds. One development they took credit for was the re-opening of the Operation Grange investigation into the Madeleine MacCann disappearance, which occurred the same day as the Edgar Welch shooting (see below), though in retrospect this may not have been such a welcome development since it appeared to focus on a heretofore unknown European child-trafficking gang. What better way to take the heat off the similarity of the Podesta brothers to the police sketches and e-fits of the last-seen suspects in the MacCann case, than to suggest they already have a suspect thanks-very-much-anyway. Another controversial issue was their posting of the claims of the notorious Rabbi Finkelstein as though true; for those unaware, this was a hoax designed to frighten, disgust and discredit truthseekers looking into the disappearance of children by claiming they were being stolen by Jews and sold to McDonald’s to use in Big Macs. The determined researcher will soon discover that the photo of “Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein” that accompanies the notorious audio is actually a photo of Kenneth Feinberg, the attorney representing (some say in charge of silencing) families of the victims of 9/11. While it is true that many satanists, including avowed Catholics, Jews, and Protestants partake of the flesh of children, this is usually done in a ritualistic setting such as a church. Wholesale slaughter for use in Big Macs is part of the

urban lore designed to exaggerate the truth to the degree it’s then scoffed at and ignored. Some argue that disseminating these claims is damaging and injurious to the search for the truth, but is included here for purposes of study and discussion.

Now that we've touched on some of the basics (and there are many, MANY citizen-newscasters that have been involved from the beginning, hopefully they'll be added shortly in future additions to this brief history so a word of caution if you don’t see your favorite channel shown here just yet), let's set the stage for where the consciousness of #pizzagate began.

Pedo Lane

[The above graphic comes courtesy of one of the best online sources for information on #Pizzagate/#Pedogate: - This site was briefly purged Nov 23rd, 2016. ]

To understand why this little neighborhood has gained the notoriety it has, one has to go back to the declassified FBI document. This decoding document showed code words signifying pizza as underage girls, hot dogs as boys, pasta as little boys, cheese pizza as little girls, walnuts as darker-skinned children [later understood to refer to the abused labia of young girls of any race], “sauce” as orgies, and a “map” is a 'souvenir' handkerchief with the bodily fluids of the pedophile and his/her victim(s). It also showed in the main how businesses appealed to the pedophile; it featured both spiralized triangles (shown in blue usually) for the boys, and spiralized heart shapes (shown in pink usually) for the girls. There was also the “big-little” shapes of hands, a small hand splayed inside a larger hand outline. Also on the chart was a 'butterfly' shape, made from 4 hearts – 2 large and 2 small.

Here on Pedo Lane we have several shops strangely connected to Hillary Clinton that have used this code, though now that the code is broken businesses nationwide -- like the ones here -- are hurriedly removing or altering them. The most prominent, as most readers know by now, is Comet Ping Pong Pizza. Researchers immediately recognized that Comet Ping Pong used 2 crossed ping-pong paddles on their menus looking eerily like that symbol, together with a banner announcing “Play, Eat, Drink” (P.E.D., or Pedophilia).

Two doors down, Besta Pizza's logo is, or was, a spiralized pizza wedge, which was quickly removed once the impact of the growing scandal began to spread worldwide (the sign can still be seen on Google Maps). Besta (“Beast”, in Portugeuse) was initially showed to be at least partly owned by Andrew Kline, a

lawyer with the Dept of Justice who happened to be a Clinton appointee and one of 4 attorneys in charge of the Human Trafficking division.

Coincidence? Citizen investigators think not, as the best place for pedophiles is in control of situations involving their intended victim.

Across the street – which is Connecticut Ave NW Washington DC near the district line with Maryland, or “Pedo Lane” – is another restaurant, Terasol. Serving French cuisine, it sported a spiralized heart and the big-little hand symbol on its website and menu, but those images too have been removed. Right next door is Beyond Borders, an association that claims to be dedicated to rescuing Haitian children from slavery and women from violence. Considering some of the comments made on the aforementioned Instagram photos about “whipping up a Haitian special, with extra cheese”, it gives one the shudders.

There is also the matter of the bookstore several doors down from Besta Pizza and across from Terasol. Politics & Prose is well-known, a place where many world-famous authors have spoken. Like the other businesses discussed above, the bookstore is connected with Hillary Clinton, being co-owned by one of Hillary's closest inner circle, her chief speechwriter Lissa Muscatine, and features a wine bar on-site where the co-owner of The Little Red Fox (between the 2 Alefantis'-owned restaurants), Matt Carr, works part-time. It sports a heliotrope-colored awning (heliotrope being the preeminent satanic color of purple) and some have suggested the ampersand is spiralized, with the font showing the “O”s in the name resembling the symbol for the female.

The Liberty Columnist, one of the citizen-newscasters who made the trip to DC from North Carolina to personally investigate Pedo Lane, has provided a video of his trip. The second half is raw footage of the businesses on Pedo Lane, from the view from his phone's camera as he went for lunch and dinner and walked around the area.

Another citizen-newscaster that went to Pedo Lane to film it for the public record is Jack Posobiec, who used yet another tool of citizen-newscasting, the "social media platform" of Periscope for live streaming of his trip. His intention was to simply go to Comet Ping Pong and order some food and let the audience see what a typical customer should be able to see. Jack has a large following on Twitter and this video quickly went viral when one of the managers of Comet called the police and had him ejected, even before he could eat the food he had ordered. Here's Jack getting ready to enter Comet and record the event, and the video of it.

For those just now learning about Pizzagate/Pedogate, it should give them pause to know that Jack was kicked out of Comet Ping Pong having done nothing wrong. Let me repeat that: Jack Posobiec did nothing wrong when he entered the Comet pizzeria with the intention to order and consume food, while discreetly sharing the experience with his Periscope audience. Yet, because his movements were being discussed on the various social media platforms in which this story is playing out, someone tipped off the manager who called the police and had him removed.

The police complied with the manager's request. Are you shocked? When the owner is one of the 49th most powerful people in Washington DC it should come as no surprise. Of course, if a customer's business isn't wanted, it's no time to try to stick around and make an argument. Jack left, and we have his record of both

his visit to Comet and when he immediately went to Besta, 2 doors down, and filmed his experience there as well – 25 minutes into this video.

The Tunnels

Soon after Jack's experience, another citizen-newscaster – Grace, whose YouTube channel is Really Graceful – received information from someone in her audience that there was an abandoned series of tunnels that ran underground

from Dupont Circle along Connecticut Avenue and other streets intersecting that area. These tunnels were built for the trolley lines that used to criss-cross Washington DC in the early part of the last century, and the underground tunnels were opened in 1947 and then officially retired in 1962. Despite being closed off, they were supposedly converted to bomb shelters (such as both London's Underground and Moscow's subway system were used during WWII), the paramount worry being a nuclear war. In 1995, an attempt was made to rejuvenate this underground system (not to be confused with the Washington DC Metro – the official subway system that was built many years after the trolley system was closed). On one of the main platforms, under Dupont Circle itself, a Pizza Express pizzeria was opened, while the main purpose for the underground areas was supposedly as a display area for art exhibitions. Grace relays information by participants on one of the pizzagate forums and makes a convincing case that – like the McMartin Pre-School case in California years ago – these tunnels could well be used for the unlawful transport of children for nefarious purposes.

Grace, who has also published videos that back up many of the controversial images from the Instagram accounts associated with the characters of Pedo Lane, also used her channel to share what a local couple experienced when they went to Comet Ping Pong on a Saturday night for dinner and to observe the

comings and goings.

Grace explains in vivid detail what happened, as this person relayed it to her: early after arriving, they noticed a group of “about 20 men, in their late fifties and sixties, who came in and went immediately to the curtain and disappeared behind it”. Those men were never seen to exit during the several hours the couple was there. While they had dinner a couple of 12-or-13-year-old girls came out from behind the curtain, unaccompanied the entire time by any adults, and played foosball and giggled “almost unnaturally” for about 45 minutes and then went back behind the curtain around 9:15pm. A short while later two women came in with a young girl and headed for the curtain, but the little girl was hesitant and had to be coaxed by one of the women, “come on, you know you want to play”. After awhile they came back out and sat down at the foosball table, the women had drinks and the young (3-to-4-year-old, approx) girl neither ate nor drank. They left after about an hour, taking the side door to the parking lot in the back. Curiousity overtook the couple and they asked about the curtain, were told there was simply “another bar where people hang out”, and the husband went to the curtain. When he pulled it back he saw what appeared to be a dusty, unused bar with tables and chairs and a single employee who said “the bar's closed”, but in Grace's video you see pictures he took with two additional curtains, leading to unknown areas.

Of course this is “circumstantial evidence”, but like the horrific artwork that once graced the walls of the main dining area with figures passing around decapitated heads (but was quickly removed or painted over after PizzaGate broke), it indicates an environment decidedly NOT “family friendly”, unless perchance certain “families” are extremely tolerant with prepubescent children being left alone or in the company of groups of older single men, and with artwork in the men's room telling the boys to "Shut up and f*ck" while a ping-pong player masturbated.

On Pedo Lane There Is A Baker Showing Photographs

We turn now to an introduction of the central figures in this story, after listing them in brief. First, we have Hillary Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta, whose email account was hacked by someone that gave them to Wikileaks. (That someone is claimed to be an associate of Steve Pieczenik). John's brother is Tony Podesta; together they run the Podesta Group, a lobbying operation that collects $140,000 a month from the Saudi govt alone, to keep that govt’s image burnished and up to snuff...perhaps in more ways than one. Tony Podesta has a

huge collection of artwork that is almost solely that of images of young, abused or dead children. He also has a monstrous sculpture of a headless human, with arched back, posed similarly to one of Jeffrey Dahmer's young victims, that dominates the entranceway to his home. (Image courtesy of AbelDanger, another team of citizen-newscasters who will be profiled in the next update of this History.) Underneath his house he excavated what even he refers to as “the torture chamber”. This cavernous room allegedly has a large holographic display area with very expensive state-of-the-art video projection equipment.

One working hypothesis is that this is the room where playbacks of very 'delicate' videos are shown, in holographic form. Holographic films that are potentially blackmail material, filmed so that no amount of photoshopping could replicate or eradicate the blackmail. Films that can't be copied. And perhaps – so goes the hypothesis – this 'torture chamber' may be where the blackmailed victims are occasionally brought to view the proof of claims that are used to ensure the victim's “contractual arrangements” such as George Webb details in his “Where Is Eric Braverman?” series.

This series of George Webb's began after former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman disappeared on Oct 23rd 2016 following his attempt to claim “urgent and immediate asylum” at the Russian consulate in New York. Apparently this was the series of events: Wikileaks had released the batch of emails the previous day, Oct 22nd, in which a series of emails surfaced showing John Podesta believed the mole in the Clinton Foundation – who had leaked the phrase “follow the money” to an NBC reporter, who had shared it with MSNBC co-anchor Joe Scarborough (“Morning Joe”) – was Eric Braverman. That email can be found here:

Once Wikileaks published that email and Braverman disappeared, the corporate media appeared not to care, but plenty of citizens who understood immediately the importance of the use of the phrase “follow the money” did. One such citizen-investigator was George Webb, who began a daily compendium of the events involving Braverman that could be used to both find him and to possible absolve him (or indict and convict him).

George invited other citizen-researchers to join him in the hunt, and so began one of the best examples of how a global citizen-sourced investigation could work in overcoming the Establishment's ongoing cover-ups. Like the main thrust of PizzaGate – fast becoming PedoGate – the Webb focus began with Wikileaked Podesta emails and the resulting disappearance of Clinton Foundation CEO Braverman, and soon uncovered nefarious activities involving everything from the use of poison Sarin gas, illegal arms dealing, murder, the probable use of a nuclear device to uncover oil and natural gas deposits in Haiti, the formation of

private mercenary armies, and child-trafficking. George and the researchers who are focusing on his effort (though many researchers and observers overlap both his project and the pizzagate investigation) have now connected dots between the Clinton Foundation, NATO generals, the toppling of Gaddafi and attempted toppling of Syria's Assad (rooted in the desire of globalist oil magnates to build oil and gas pipelines from Qatar to Bulgaria through Iraq, Syria, and Turkey), the intentional murder of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi, the acquisition of Gaddafi's $30 Billion in gold and $256 Billion in Swiss bank accounts, as well as the acquisition of 20,000 Stinger missiles and caches of Sarin gas that they used to murder their way almost to Baghdad, how ISIS practically became the Clinton Foundation's private army, and much in-between. Furthermore the investigation has connected dots from the mid-east to Haiti and how the catastrophic earthquake of 2010 that hit that unfortunate country was most likely human-induced and not a natural act of God (or mother nature, for the unbelievers).

Finally, and most convincingly, the Webb investigation focus has determined that indeed, the most profitable trafficking is not just in oil and gas, or drugs and weapons, but children. Child-trafficking. In the Webb focus of the investigation, dots have connected the Clinton Foundation to the arrest and subsequent release of Laura Silsby as she and several accomplices attempted to traffic 33 children – many with living parents – into the Dominican Republic, and from there to parts-unknown, including potentially the infamous “Orgy Island” of Little St. James belonging to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in the British Virgin Islands.

George has also urged citizen-researchers to assist in unraveling the whole sordid mess, and has incentivized the search by offering a pay-out of $1 million to anyone providing a source that helps lead to bringing down the Clinton Foundation/CFR cabal, and $10 million to anyone that is one of the “founders” - that refers to those who have played a role since the beginning. If anyone tweets to an established media source a citation that may help in the venture to bring it down, a reward of $1,000 is offered. Details can be found in Day 83 Pt. 2 of the series. Here George sums up his efforts:

“This series follows the ex-CEO of the Clinton Foundation from setting up the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission in 2010 as a McKinsey consultant for the Clinton Foundation through the toppling of the government of Libya, the attempted topple of the government of Syria to the present day. The series is based on an open source research project by the same name trying to find the missing children of Haiti and the missing $7.1B of USAID money.”

George Webb's now-famous style of putting the information he is working with in vivid graphic style, with the salient points succinctly listed and overlaid on maps and relevant articles from the Establishment media, is shown above.

Here is George's home page on YouTube, where you can follow the daily investigation using his premise that following Eric Braverman's dictum to “follow the money” will lead to unraveling the entire sordid mess, from the creation of ISIS through wanton arms-dealing and regime-toppling via private armies to oil and gas ventures to the blackmailing of the powerful via pedophilia to the astonishing scale of child-trafficking (and, while he personally has yet to admit it, the wholesale satanic ritual abuse and daily sacrifice of children):

While the Podesta emails themselves are a form of evidence (though because code-words are used, not definitive on their own), the lore of PizzaGate/PedoGate has largely been focused on the Instagram accounts of James Alefantis, owner, chef and baker at Comet Ping Pong Pizza and owner of Buck's Fishing & Camping

restaurants, and his social circle – which includes his boyfriend (now ex? we're unsure) David Brock, head of both Correct The Record, a super-PAC on behalf of Hillary, and Media Matters, an allegedly progressive media-monitoring operation on behalf of globalist ideology. Those image accounts were filled primarily with creepy, ominous, sinister pictures

featuring children in abusive situations or with pedophilic overtones.

Thinking about the paucity of “evidence”, then, the next chapter in the story borders on the farcical.

This growing collection of videos by citizen-newscasters on YouTube, along with related videos and forum postings on Reddit and 4Chan, was allegedly painted as cause enough for a “gunman” to drive up from North Carolina and conduct a “self-investigation” into Comet Ping Pong, complete with firing a gun (into a door behind which was….a computer).

This occurred on Dec 5th, 2016, as the pizzagate controversy reached fever-pitch online in response to the utter lack of action by authorities to launch an official investigation into the connections and activities posed by the Podesta emails and the suspect so-called 'artwork' of Mr. Alefantis. The 'gunman', one Edgar Madisson Welch – an actor who had played bit parts in at least two Hollywood films, “The Mill” and “The Bleeding” – was, according to one working hypothesis, hired by Establishment types (possibly even the Podestas themselves) to “shoot

up the pizza joint Comet”, in a psy-op designed to portray the child-traffickers as victims of an alleged “hoaxed conspiracy theory” and thereby put the citizen-investigators on the defensive instead of the predators of Pedo Lane. The predators commenced wailing about how they've been endangered by the wild-eyed purveyors of 'fake news' like Alex Jones (who quickly appeared to back off of the #pizzagate investigation once this Edgar Welch shot the Comet computer). Then in an alleged IMDb page since removed, it's alleged that Mr. Welch also appeared in a film titled "Something about pizza" in the role as the gunman. Such are the chances we take when we search the internet or are given something.

In fact, in an ironic twist, reporter Owen Shroyer of InfoWars was on the phone with a citizen caller during the evening prior to the 'shooting', who surmised that the public should look for a possible 'false flag attack’ at the location of the controversial businesses on Pedo Lane “in the near future”. Vindication was less than 24 hours away, and coincidentally Jack Posobiec was ‘on the scene’ so Owen interviews him about the details of exactly what happened: While Jack was at the location, he ran into Jake Tapper of media dinosaur CNN and various operatives of the Media Matters organization. The most plausible hypothesis among those in the citizen-research community appears to be that it was a contrived event, with the ‘gunman’ being hired to perform the act that would justify a clampdown and suppression of the allegations.

It is absurd to take it at face value, and though Mr. Welch may have been paid a handsome sum to ensure his continued lies down through the years, we may never know the full truth of the matter unless someone 'inside' comes forward with details. It's extremely doubtful that anyone will be able to visit Mr. Welch behind bars on a regular basis to ensure he serves 35 years, as Alefantis himself has insinuated. Perhaps his role as The Gunman in an alleged 2005 film “Something About Pizza” (see the IMDb image above that soon circulated) indicates that someone in the Establishment has a sense of humor.

On Dec 11th, the online publication State of the Nation marked a solidifying public awareness of the scandal and how its unexpected rise had upset the power-elite's heretofore unchallenged sense of comfort. Their analysis of the potential of this scandal to fundamentally change the relationship of the elite and the masses can be seen here:

Here's what they had to say:

“For those many citizen journalists who are in the know, Pizzagate was immediately recognized as the scandal that will literally take down the U.S. Federal Government, after it dissolves the Democratic Party.

This epic and rapidly unfolding crime spree has all the elements to incriminate many leading politicians and D.C. power-brokers, well-known globalists and Beltway lobbyists. Truly, this is the scandal that the American people have been waiting for.

Of all the scandals that end in “Gate”, it is the Pedophilia Pizzagate that has the potential to do the most damage to the existing criminal power structure that was shoehorned into power in Washington D.C. by the World Shadow Government (WSG).

The political power structure that has been recently dominated by the Podestas and Pelosis, the Obamas and Clintons, the Reids and Ryans has been fastidiously kept in check via an extremely effective strategy that irreversibly compromises and corrupts the political class. Of course, this is done by setting up the politician with lurid sex crimes, especially those that involve child sexual abuse and trafficking.”

Citizen-newscaster Trenton Thomas published his “PizzaGate, the Black Swan Event They Didn't Expect” video on YouTube, which echoed and reinforced the op-ed in the State of the Nation article.

Other citizen-commentators on YouTube channels such as News From The Truth also published similar analyses, as the reaction to the shooting apparently solidified the movement in some respects while those who followed Establishment media were being corralled away from it all. The scope of this summary is too narrow to include others but future histories hopefully will.

Meanwhile, the day after the shooting of the Comet computer by Edgar Welch, Brian of the Brian iCitizenNews channel on YouTube contacted the Washington DC Metropolitan Police Dept to ask them why Wikipedia had them listed as “debunking the pizzagate conspiracy”.

Here's Brian on his channel's home page:

In his email, Brian asked:

“Hello, I would like to know if there is any truth to this claim in Wikipedia stating that MPD “debunked” the “Pizzagate” conspiracy. I would also like to know if an investigation is ongoing in regards to pedophilia ring headquartered at comet ping pong restaurant? If not has there been an official report or tip called in or submitted.

Thank you,


The DC MPD emailed him back on Dec 19th with the following:

''Good morning Brian,

Please see the following statement we released Dec 6th, as shown below:

“We became aware of the fictional allegations contained in the false news story last month; however, despite postings of offensive language, we did not receive reports of any specific threats. Officers advised the staff to immediately report to police any threats made against the establishment or individuals. MPD has been in contact with the owner of the restaurant, as well as with the other businesses and residents in the immediate area to address their concerns. We want to ensure the community that their safety is our priority as we have committed additional police resources to that area.”

Additionally, there is no ongoing investigation into those false allegations headquartered at the comet ping pong restaurant.

Best regards,

Karimah Bilal

Office of Communications

Metropolitan Police Dept''

Brian then wrote back and asked them how they could claim the allegations were fictional if they had not done an investigation:

“Thank you for responding. Can you answer this question for me? Who determined these allegations to be false without an investigation?”

He got a quick reply to this that same day, an email stating:

“Brian, the Metropolitan Police Dept takes matters such as this very seriously. After investigating those claims, we have determined those allegations to be false.”

Brian responded:

“Hello Karimah,

When will this investigation be release to the public? If it has not yet been. Can you please guide me to your dept’s FOIA procedure if that is needed.

Thank you for responding in such a speedy and professional fashion.


From Karimah:

“Sure. You can contact our FOIA Dept at (202) 727-3721 or via the internet by clicking on the link"

Brian then submitted an FOIA request for the account of the supposed investigation the MPD had conducted, as they claimed they had. He then received the following case reference:

"Case Number 2017-FOIA-01197 has been assigned to the request you submitted. In all future correspondence regarding this request please reference Case Number 2017-FOIA-01197.


DC Government"

Next, a few days later, he received the following information regarding his FOIA request:

"This letter is in response to your FOIA request for records regarding the investigation by the Metropolitan Police Department of an alleged pedophile ring at the Comet Ping Pong restaurant.

Metropolitan Police Department did not conduct an investigation regarding alleged pedophile ring at the Comet Ping Pong restaurant. As indicated in a press release ( ), this was “a fictitious online conspiracy theory”. Accordingly, we are unable to provide you with any responsive records.

Please know that, under D.C. Official Code § 2-537 and 1 DCMR § 412, you have the right to appeal this letter to the Mayor or to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. If you elect to appeal to the Mayor, your appeal must be in writing and contain “Freedom Of Information Act Appeal” or “FOIA Appeal” in the subject line of the letter, as well as, on the outside of the envelope. The appeal must include (1) a copy of the original request; (2) a copy of any written denial; (3) a statement of the circumstances, reasons, and/or arguments advanced in support of disclosure; and (4) a daytime telephone number, an email and/or U.S. mailing address at which you can be reached.

The appeal must be mailed to: The Mayor's Correspondence Unit, FOIA Appeal, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 316, Wash. DC 20004. Electronic versions of the same information can instead be emailed to The Mayor's Correspondence Unit at Further, a copy of all appeal materials must be forwarded to the Freedom Of Information Officer of the involved agency, or to the agency head of that agency, if there is no designated Freedom Of Information Officer there.

Failure to follow these administrative steps will result in delay in the processing and commencement of a response to your appeal to the Mayor.

Very truly yours,

MPD FOIA Officer"

Brian then posted the record of his efforts in this video:

Of course Brian is appealing, and every concerned citizen should also put in an FOIA request as well, and appeal these awkward and false claims by the MPD as we've just read.

Brian also advises anyone who cares enough about the issue to visit the DHS (Dept Homeland Security) website, US Immigration & Customs Enforcement, HSI Tip Form, OMB Control Number 1653-0049. You can do that right now, right here: On that form you can fill out an anonymous tip (or include your name and phone number if you wish). Under Section II. Suspected Violation you should check off “Child Exploitation/Pornography”, although there are also the categories of “Human Smuggling”, “Human Trafficking (Forced Labor/Slavery)”, and “Human Rights Violators” if you feel you can make a sufficient case in 1,000 characters or less. In the field for specific details, indicate something of this nature, e.g.

"There well may be a pedophile ring or rings that are attracted to Comet Ping Pong Pizza – located at 5037 Connecticut Ave NW, DC and/or Besta Pizza and/or Buck's Fishing & Camping [located adjacent to Comet], as well as the Therosol restaurant across the street which may cater to female pedophiles, because of their use of pedophile symbology in their logos and signage and the proximity of very young children coming and going through Comet, coupled with the use of the pedophile code extensively in the Podesta email dumps by Wikileaks in recent months, with conversations in those leaked emails of such a blatant, awkward pedophilic nature that the characters and organizations cry out for a solid investigation.

Additionally, the organization Beyond Borders, next to Therosol and dedicated to rescuing Haitian children, may be involved in child- and human-trafficking if recent history is any guide, in addition to the comments on the disturbing Instagram photos belonging to Mr.James Alefantis (one such comment read “...whip up a Haitian special with extra cheese”)."

Concurrently, you - and anyone you know who would like to help put an end to this sickening practice of blackmail and pedophilia - can phone the same DC phone number listed above and submit a FOIA request of your own.

During this entire time, particularly following the Welch 'shooting', it should be noted that one of the earliest citizen-newscasters, David Seaman, whose particular style was to 'charge the ramparts' and to call out John Podesta in particular, was continuing to post videos in which he detailed the push-back he was getting from YouTube by having his videos either removed or demonetized, his PayPal account blocked and then re-blocked, and trolls attacking him on his various social media platforms. However, some in the liberty and truth movement took exception to David's overtly pro-Israel right-or-wrong policy of civil forfeiture of Palestinian territory in the West Bank (not to be confused with claims of anti-Semiticism, often used as the refuge of scoundrels on the Israeli far-right), it appears that when it comes to the PizzaGate scandal, he was indeed getting a lot of push-back by those on the sharp end of his attacks from the ramparts. Here is David Seaman taking on the Washington Post and the New York Times with both barrels in what is arguably his most-viewed videos, clocking in at over 304,000 views. Only YouTube would have truly accurate statistics, but they've been shown to tamper with certain videos.

And the citizen discussion page on his YouTube channel:

David has also helped lead a migration out of the corporate behemoth-owned social media platforms, (still considered too new to use by many), to less restrictive platforms like (a Twitter replacement) and (a YouTube replacement).

The Corbett Report, a YouTube channel by citizen-newscaster James Corbett,

has also played a major role in chronicling this same migration and the reasons

for it, which is plain old censorship. His citizen discussion page on YouTubecan be seen here: In fact, it was James who first detailed the Reddit ban of its large (over 15,000 subscribers) PizzaGate subreddit, which took place on Nov 24th 2016, when Reddit CEO Steve Huffman declared it to be a “witch hunt”. (In fact, it is literally true that many in the truth-movement ARE hunting real-life witches, whether they acknowledge

that fact or not; many if not most of the villains involved in trafficking children do so for purposes of satanic ritual abuse, and are in fact actual witches and warlocks despite not wearing costumes that define themselves that way. Some citizen-investigators have researched connections Steve Huffman has to cannibalism from comments he himself made on his own platform.) Once Reddit banned its Pizzagate subreddit, James offered up an open-source investigation on his own Corbett Report site:

James has also urged other citizens to avail themselves of the platform where he joins Reality Calls and other PizzaGate/PedoGate/Braverman citizen activists, researchers, and newscasters. is similar to Facebook, again without the onerous censorship. Members can also post videos, like YouTube and, and link to other, newer non-corporate/non-censored social media platforms.

A word should also be mentioned about Patreon, at which is how citizen-viewers and commenters, as well as commentators and the merely curious, can donate as little as a dollar a month to their favorite channels on YouTube. This helps to further the research as YouTube moves to demonetize videos connected to the controversial hashtag and label of #PizzaGate, and the growing power of the citizen-investigation movement grows independent of the Establishment.

Now, in returning to a rough timeline of events, Comet's owner James Alefantis – who has been a central figure in this story – also owns in, addition to Comet Ping Pong and Buck's Fishing & Camping, the art gallery Transformer, located at 1404 P St NW DC and a mysterious location named Pegasus which he classified as a museum though it has never been open to the public or publicly listed as such. This was recently uncovered by a small group of researchers on, ( is the replacement for the Pizzagate subreddit) and particularly one among them, Ryan O'Neal of the PizzaGateGear channel on YouTube:

This Pegasus was listed on Google Mapmaker as a museum, though we're not sure of what – during the short time between renovation in early 2016 and the explosion of the PizzaGate scandal around the time of the election, when Mr. Alefantis removed it from public view, much as he had his Instagram account (but not before Ryan was able to copy the proof that showed the name on Google MapMaker).

According to Ryan's research, Mr. Alefantis paid $200,000 for the property using the corporate identity of Castellum Achilles, and after securing 4 work permits and commencing renovations, the land was valued at $270,000 and the property in total valued at $294,000.

Pegasus is located 3-1/2 miles away from Pedo Lane and sports a glass-walled watchtower next to a children's playground. Notice the red pentagon outlining what appears to be a man dressed in red and holding a cell phone (there are better images available simply using google for the location of 3518 11th St NW Wash. DC Rear, looking north from the playground):

This is apparently the building where the pictures of a basement work area, a hole in a concrete floor, Alefantis's own drawing of the design, and other highly intriguing and troubling images have been proven to exist – potentially and convincingly connected to child trafficking of some kind, perhaps even the location of a suspected “killroom”.

On the same day that Ryan posted his original video detailing the steps he took to determine the actual location of Pegasus, he had approached James Alefantis and requested an interview of him with questions that would be submitted by researchers. Alefantis apparently indicated it would be a cold day in hell before anything of the kind would happen. However, after his refusal and Ryan’s posting of the video showing the location and details of Pegasus, Alefantis engaged Ryan in a text encounter, during which he demanded Ryan phone him to discuss a few things. As Ryan explains it step by step, Alefantis began the conversation by loudly threatening he was going to kill him. You can see the entire exchange that took place on text here, and Ryan also explains exactly what happened during the phone call.

He also shows how he confirmed the phone number (Mr. Alefantis’s phone number is listed on several pages online for the diligent researcher to confirm).

In the transcript of the threat Alefantis made against Ryan and his family, he admits the location is a “freaky room”. He also admits that everything that's said about him is true, except that he “hates kids”. Still, it wasn't enough for him to submit to an open, unscripted interview to answer the tsunami of questions the truth-seeking community has for him, despite Ryan's courteous approach as detailed in his videos. Instead, he made what may yet turn out to be a fatal mistake for him – he threatened the life of researcher O'Neal.

In this startling development which occurred in response to Ryan's uploading of his original video about Pegasus to YouTube (seen above in a mirror on YouTube channel Anonymous Rebels sVizz) he was threatened by Alefantis over the phone and via text. While Ryan details the threat, (see above), he did remove the video but not before others downloaded it and mirrored it.

Subsequently, some in the citizen-newscasting community have questioned the authenticity of Ryan's experience. It was shown that it is possible to mutate the code on a Facebook page and/or a Facebook Messenger chat (the “inspect element” that savvy internet users know about when reviewing the code used to construct a given page). It seems the nascent community is at a cross-roads, one in which their natural suspicion of all will reinforce itself or learn how to discern whether they are being bamboozled by one of their own or not.

In this particular case, Ryan not only posted two videos detailing the proof of his life-threatening exchanges with Mr. Alefantis, he also filed a police report – one which has supposedly been rendered “inactive” by the Galveston Police Dept, where Ryan lives – in which he provided the details of his text transcript showing the threats and most importantly the phone number from which those threats came. As just indicated, that number is listed publicly in several websites, so Mr. Alefantis's phone number is not that hard to obtain. Establishment telecoms that control the recording of phone numbers for individual citizens on their bills, or on request, include AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile. No matter which providers Ryan and Alefantis used, chances are extremely good that the phone numbers cited will be authenticated.

The bigger question is, what would Ryan stand to gain by faking such an explosive development as to have his and his family's life threatened? While it is possible, is it plausible? More importantly, is it probable? Yes, Ryan's YouTube channel – and website – is known as PizzaGateGear, where he once offered a plain grey t-shirt with “#Pizzagate” on it, to help raise awareness of the story. Is it enough to incentivize him to fake his story? How different is selling t-shirts than asking for contributions? Would filing a false police report be a serious-enough offense to risk selling a few shirts, on which he made very little money? He's since discontinued selling the t-shirts and is “stepping back from the investigation, but will still post from time to time”. He claims he got in over his head and even though he filed a police report and met with the FBI over the threats, he doesn't feel it's worth it to risk his life or the life of his family. Welcome to the real world of the struggle against the evil in the Establishment, Ryan. The innocent would have stepped up to the plate to show as much transparency as possible, and the fact that did not happen, that as this goes to press the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria was once again exposed to the public, this time for hosting a plotting session to disrupt the Trump inauguration, all filmed undercover by Project Veritas - another citizen-powered investigative effort.) My, what irony!

Nonetheless, the evidence Ryan has offered the truth-movement is stunning, as it shows proof any prosecutor would be envious of using, if only to show the actual building – not on Pedo Lane – of a location supposedly kept secret even from many of Mr. Alefantis's friends (who commented accordingly on the few snapshots of the renovation process). While the public has yet to know if in fact the hashtag of “#killroom” in relation to images connected to this location is merely a sick joke or indicative of real criminal activity, one can deduce without a doubt that the pinpointing of this building by Ryan and his associates on apparently drew blood from Alefantis. That in itself is a feat none may have thought possible (and also one reason why suspicious minds in the community may have suspected the threats were suspect).

However, it does NOT prove that the location houses a “killroom”, where “murder” takes place, or even where perverted pedophilic acts take place. In the transcript, it shows what could be expected both of a snarling predator who's been unexpectedly exposed and lashes out with threats, as well as a researcher who was naive enough to actually believe such a person as James Alefanti would actually consent to a REAL interview, and not a carefully-orchestrated con job as was conducted on Fox News by Megyn Kelly.

Megyn forever cemented her reputation as a #fakenews reporter for all time by interviewing poor Mr. Alefantis with extremely softball questions on Dec 15th 2016. Her goal appeared to portray anyone questioning why all the signs of blatant pedophilia surround these men as “dangerous conspiracy theorists”, and all without a shred of investigation. Tsk, tsk, Megyn. She appears to have taken the public for fools, and her new gig at NBC, shilling to the tune of $25 million annually, will probably never overcome her shameful actions of that day. Instead of clearing up any doubts, she increased public skepticism and contempt among activists, whose ranks may have been slowed from swelling thanks to her bamboozling, but nonetheless the investigation goes on and probably will until there is a true resolution and not mere urban myths. Sadly that is where many “conspiracy theories” end up, due to indifference and extreme skepticism on the part of the Interested Few in addition to the incessant dumbing-down of Americans.

Here yet another top-notch citizen-journalist, Victurus Libertas XL, narrates Megyn’s “epic fail”, showing yet another side of citizen-newscasting: the opportunity for the public to comment on and share consciousness of what the puppets with earpieces are doing on-air.

Victurus has also pushed the investigation into related areas, and one of his latest videos can be seen here - this is about “Little Baby’s Ice Cream”,

which is now combined with a pizzeria and “pizza culture”.

The main working hypothesis that attempts to explain what is behind the PizzaGate/PedoGate scandal appears to be a straightforward example of child trafficking, blackmail using pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse by powerfully-placed people. Working with the FBI code and the latest in the Podesta emails, it appears the use of the code in the emails proves that part of the hypothesis, unless it can be proven to be purely coincidental. Logic tells us that's unlikely.

While nothing so far has given the world undeniable proof that Hillary Clinton was involved personally, this working hypothesis suggests that she is keenly aware of how much it profits her. Proof of course would require the full force and effect of law-enforcement of the traditional kind, but sadly it appears their purpose is to protect the powerful from discovery.

What are the central questions this #PizzaGate scandal purports to want answers for? We'll recall the most obvious:

1) The Podesta brothers appear to fit the description of suspects in the Madeleine MacCann abduction. Investigate and either arrest or conclusively explain the similarities. (Many doubt this will happen, as it appears they are guilty.)

2) Why did Alefantis feel the need to suddenly take down all the artwork in his pizza shop Comet, and mark his Instagram account private? Either Alefantis comes clean and admits that perhaps his art was NOT family-friendly and he “won't do it again”, as the experience has “sobered him up”, or he is thoroughly investigated and so are the other people he is connected to.

3) Why have the authorities not followed up and investigated what they have already? Beginning with Operation Grange in London (the MacCann investigation) and including the DC Metropolitan Police Dept, who first claimed they had investigated and found nothing but were then forced to admit they had NOT investigated, after all?

Once these questions appear well on their way to being answered, we can probably expect the PizzaGate phenomenon to die down. But not until then, no matter how much pooh-poohing we hear by corporate pooh-bahs and their well-coiffed puppets and cyber sock-puppets (trolls).

In fact, following the post of the above, a mainstream investigative journalist for CBS's Atlanta affiliate - Ben Swann - has essentially asked the same questions, showing that someone in the MSM has enough sense to call for the obvious. We include Ben here, making him an honorary "citizen-newscaster" despite his employment as a corporate newscaster.

The Prosecution of PizzaGate/PedoGate

In a reasonable world, one which we can expect to resolve the PizzaGate scandal, here's what we should see at the end of the day before we either turn our attention away or further to the investigation of where all the money that poured into the Clinton Foundation came from, under what pretenses, and where it went. If the evidence proves that the allegations have merit, we expect the investigation to open up into the wider issues of satanic ritual abuse and child-trafficking, arms deals and double-deals on a massive scale, and regime-change via private corporate armies.

In the docket we find the Podesta brothers, who are there because of incriminating correspondence they have shared among themselves as presented in the Wikileaks cache of emails. They are also there because of the startling similarities between their faces and the faces of the last-seen suspects in the disappearance of Madeleine MacCann in Portugal in May of 2007, when these same Podesta brothers were staying 1/3rd of a mile from the abducted child at the home of now-known pedophile Sir Clement Freud. In fact, Sir Freud “reached out” to the MacCann couple to console them in the weeks following the disappearance of their daughter, following his return to his villa after it was vacated by the Podesta brothers.

We should also find Susan and her father Herb Sandler, as accomplices, due to the same email cache. While 90% of the comments referring to “pizza” and “pasta” may be dismissed by a court of law, it is the preponderance of the references that is of concern. In the Sandler email to John Podesta of Sept 2, 2014 [] it is the glaring reference regarding the handkerchief that must be explained and likely can NOT be explained other than with the most awkward contortions. Additionally, Susan's father Herb Sandler is on record as asking in an email titled “Cheese” to both Mary and John Podesta “p.s. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?”. A more blatant correlation to the so-called “pizza code” there cannot be found. Even before the post-script, the very body of the email is of concern as well:

“Mary and John

I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them.”

Tony Podesta, additionally, should be able to answer inquiries as to his vast collection of pedophiliac and necrophiliac artwork which he proudly displays in his home, to the practical exclusion of almost all other subjects of interest. This collection was featured in a Washington Post profile, and thus has become part of the public domain and a reasonable subject of inquiry, due to the explosive implications of the content of the email correspondence he shares with his brother and social circle. While the subjects of pedophilia and necrophilia may occasionally appear in a large art collection, it is when it crowds out all other subjects that it tends to raise concern, as art collections tend to reflect the interests and consciousness of the collector.

We should also see James Alefantis in the docket, who has used the same “pizza” code in a number of emails as the Podesta brothers and the Sandlers. While he has collected and – for a time, until he made it private – shared a large number of images of a lurid and disturbing nature on the social media platform Instagram, that in and of itself is not prosecutable, but because he was responsible (as the owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza) for advertising his establishment as being “family-friendly” and presenting concerts and shows for “all ages” while decorating the walls with imagery celebrating violent decapitation and with pedophiliac, obscenely sexual and necrophiliac overtones – again which are also overtly reinforced in the concert presentations – then the public has not only a right but an obligation to ask if this met the Supreme Court guideline of “community standards”.

Using that standard, if this were publicly acceptable anywhere in the city, then Mr. Alefantis should have had no reason to quickly redecorate his pizzeria establishment by removing the artwork and repainting the walls once the Podesta email cache had been released by Wikileaks. Perhaps he may, if ever pressed, admit that perhaps his idea of “art” might have been a bit “too adult” for the under-age audiences he encouraged, including “double sleep-overs” as images attest to. However, if that were the case, we expect Mr. Alefantis would have done this by now, unless his guilt and arrogance knows no bounds and must be brought down with more solid proof.

Additionally, Mr. Alefantis stands accused of threatening the life of citizen-investigator Ryan O'Neal, who had contacted him with a request for an interview so that Mr. Alefantis would have an opportunity to answer the many and reasonable questions regarding both his pizzeria and the newly-discovered location of his “Pegasus museum”. This “Pegasus” location is also suspected by some in the citizen-investigation taking place as harboring a blackmailing operation designed to entrap politicians and other members of the power-elite in compromising sexual encounters and/or satanic ritual abuse, the resulting holographic video record being played back on the elaborate video-projection system located in the alleged “torture chamber” underneath Tony Podesta's home.

While this may seem a “witch hunt” to some, perhaps it is, and avowedly so. It's known that satanic ritual abuse is occurring daily, on a widespread basis nationwide, and every year almost half a million children go missing. While some eventually are found, or return home from running away, large majorities are never accounted for. Family members of multi-generational satanists who practice ritual abuse on a daily basis have been coming forward to speak out and help educate the public about the horrors that are taking place around them, possibly even in the houses in their own neighborhood. While it's easy to jump to the worst conclusions, and indeed a modern-day 'witch hunt' could turn into a psychological conflagration of deadly proportions, this feature of society can't be simply swept under the rug as it's been by most people. People like Jay Parker, David Shurter, Fiona Barrett, and many others have provided detailed and consistent accounts of the horrific practices that go on world-wide every day.

The use of mainline Catholic churches for Black Masses, the murder of toddlers, children, and pregnant mothers who are cut up while still alive and their blood poured into chalices for consumption while the adrenaline of fear is at its maximum is a regular feature of satanist worship services. These aren't mere fearmongering claims by black-ops intended to terrorize good people into submission, but they should galvanize genuine investigation by rational and well-grounded, well-educated law-enforcement personnel.

We still await a proper investigation.


For the latest research and discussion by over 10,000 citizen-researchers, please subscribe to the Pizzagate investigation at

And also the fine forum at Steemit:

And the compendium of research so far at

Coming soon in this section - Twitter addresses, Facebook pages and YouTube channel links, plus Gab, and links for all your favorite #citizen-newscasters plus the ones you don't know about yet.

NOTE: By pressing the thumbnail of any citizen-newscaster shown on the marquee at the top of this site, you can access the citizen discussion page on their youtube channel.

© 2017 dondep

Coming Soon in Part Two........Pegasus location offers new leads....First mainstream broadcast network journalist airs Pizzagate segment on CBS's Atlanta affiliate....founding godfather Ted Gunderson.... and more citizen-newscasters

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